Water Dialogue
Here you can find a list of the list of presentations:
- Prakash, D, and Team Members from UCR and UCD/UGA, (2022). Advancements to the Ricardian Analysis n the Past Quarter of the Century.
- Siddharth Kishore, Nemati, M, Dinar, A, Struthers, C, MacKenzie, S, & Shugart, M. Impact of Dust Exposure on Farmland Market: Evidence from the California’s Central Valley.
- Siddharth Kishore, Nemati, M, Dinar, A, Struthers, C, MacKenzie, S, & Shugart, M (2023). Impact of Dust Exposure on the Farmland Market: An Application to the Ricardian Model.
- Kishore, S. Trends in the California Farmland Sales Prices and the Impacts of Drought.
- Prakash, D., (2023). Impact of Drought and Institutional Interventions on Adoption of Irrigation Technology and Agricultural Land Use in California.