The group meets monthly and during each meeting, one of the teams presents their current work and progress. The purpose of the meetings is to raise awareness on each basin issue, modeling frameworks, and solutions used to overcome these issues.
Upcoming Events
Drinking water system consolidation potential, governance and equity implications in California - January 31, 2024
Gregory Pierce
Past Events
California's Water Priorities: Groundwater - May 3, 2022
Hydroeconomic Analysis of Droughts- March 3, 2022
Daniel Crespo, Jose Albiac, Taher Kahil, Franziska Gaupp, and Encarna Esteban: Hydroeconomic analysis of droughts in the Ebro basin using copulas for streamflow simulation
Treatment of Uncertainty- February 1, 2022
Jeff Connor (Professor, University of South Australia): Reviewing the Treatment of Uncertainty in Hydro-economic Modeling of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
Review of Hydro-economic Models- January 6, 2022
Mohammad Hossen (University of South Australia): Review of hydro-economic models (HEMs) which focus on transboundary river water sharing disputes.
Colorado River Basin- October 21, 2021
Zach Frankel (Executive Director, Utah Rivers Council) and Nick Halberg (Research & Policy Analyst, Utah Rivers Council): Upper Colorado River Basin Allocation Estimates for Various Climate Scenarios
Mehdi Nemati (Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside)and Mahdi Asgari (Postdoctoral scholar, University of California, Riverside): Sharing Colorado River Water: Past Apportionments, Current Demands and Feasibility of Possible Allocations
Ariel Dinar (Professor, University of California, Riverside): Preparing for a Drier Future: Welfare Consequences on the Salton Sea Region of Re-allocating Colorado River Flow Deficit
Mekong River and Dams- September 9, 2021
Alan Basist (President, Eyes on Earth) and Brian Eyler (Senior Fellow and Director, Stimson): Monitoring how dams are altering the natural flow on the Mekong RiverMonitoring how dams are altering the natural flow on the Mekong River
Zambezi River Basin- June 30, 2021
Taher Kahil (Research Group Leader and Research Scholar, IIASA): Water-Food-Energy Nexus in the Zambezi Basin
Reetik Sahu (Postdoctoral Researcher, IIASA): Computational tools to aid groundwater management
Limpopo River Basin- May 24, 2021
Djiby Thiam (Associate professor at the University of Cape Town): Main features of the Limpopo river basin (LRB) and extended water-related research activities
Nelson Ndahangwapo (PhD-student at the University of Cape Town): Optimal rainfall index-based insurance with respect to crop production in the Luvuvhu catchment area of the LRB of South Africa
Ifedotun Aina (PhD-student at the University of Cape Town): Analysis of water conservation measures and their associated policy implications in urban South Africa
Nelson Ndahangwapo (PhD-student at the University of Cape Town): Averting land subsidence impacts via optimal groundwater management in the LRB
Ifedotun Aina (PhD-student at the University of Cape Town): Determinants of household water type choices and effect of piped water regulation on groundwater investments
Djiby Thiam (Associate professor University of Cape Town): Future developments and ways forward
Ebro River Basin- April 27, 2021
Encarna Esteban (Associate professor University of Zaragoza): Main features of the Ebro basin
José Albiac (Guest Research Scholar IIASA): Hydroeconomic modeling: a useful tool for water management in river basins
Daniel Crespo (Ph.D. student at the University of Zaragoza and the Agrifood Research and Technology Center): Hydroeconomic models in the Ebro basin: ecosystems and policy simulations to face water droughts
Safa Baccour (Ph.D. student at the University of Zaragoza and the Agrifood Research and Technology Center): Hydroeconomic modeling in the Ebro basin: quality and quantity issues
Encarna Esteban (Associate professor University of Zaragoza): Future developments and main conclusions: new challenges in the Ebro basin